ANNOUNCEMENT: Registration for the February 28 advanced workshop is already closed. You can still send in your portfolio review via for the next advanced session on April 25. Our other workshops are open for registration, please visit
Thanks for your patronage and support!
– m2studio workshop manager

Henry’s Professional in cooperation with m2 studio and its sponsors kicks off its summer 2015 activities with its 1st Advanced photography workshop!
Henry’s Professional Advanced Photography: 1-Day Advanced photography Workshop
(To be qualified for the workshop, the participant should have completed the Henry’s/M2 studios’ basic workshop course or or submit a compilation of 5 to 8 photographs by the student for review.)
Topics covered: Learning to see “Light”, Intro to lighting techniques, Basic lighting set-ups for portraiture, Using natural and studio lights creatively, Solving technical problems in lighting, “Guerilla lighting” techniques.
Class limit: 15 students max
Instructors: Edwin Celestino & Michael Mariano
Schedules: February 28, 2015 and April 25, 2015| 9am to 6pm.
Where: (@ Newton Studio, Makati City, Philippines):
1406 A Newton St. Brgy. San Isidro, Makati city
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